M31 -- The Andromeda Galaxy2740 viewsThe Andromeda Galaxy amidst a wide field of stars. Combined and processed in PixInsight, finished in Lightroom.
Pleiades and the Double Cluster1615 viewsThe Pleiades and the Double Cluster with Capella in the lower left. Captured in my RX100 M4, processed in PixInsight and Lightroom.
Orion1069 viewsThe constellation Orion. The Orion Nebula is brightly visible and the flame can be faintly seen by the star Alnitac (lower one in the belt).
The Milky Way from Lake Riverside1066 viewsThe Milky Way in the zenith, 3 minutes guided, processed in Lightroom
The Central Milky Way1079 viewsThe central Milky Way with Sagittarius and Scorpius. Processed in Lightroom and Photoshop