Washington Park, Anacortes, July 2022

Continuing my series of posts on our road trip to Washington state this summer, we now visit Washington Park in Anacortes, Washington. Washington Park is a large park on the far west side of Anacortes, past the ferry terminal. Mostly forested, it hosts a boat launch, campground, many places for picnics, and is crossed with trails. A road circles the park and that’s where we went for a walk one beautiful afternoon.

Looking down the road around Washington Park

Walking around the park is a popular pastime in Anacortes, and it is reserved for pedestrians from 6am to 10am each day. The park itself is in great condition, with lush forestation in the wooded areas.

Looking at the lush forest in the Park

We came across a deer nibbling on something by the side of the road. She didn’t seem to mind us at all.

A very tame deer nibbling on some food by the road

As you come around to the south side of the park, the forest opens up and gives you a great view across Barrows Pass and onto Rosario Strait. In this picture you can see Lopez and Decatur Islands across the strait. The Olympic Mountains can just barely be seen behind Barrows Island on the left. Click on any picture for a full-sized view.

Looking southwest across the Rosario Strait, Decatur and Lopez Islands on the far side

The view is also nice looking eastward, with a nice view of Barrows Bay with the mass of Fidalgo Island behind it. The large mountain on the right is Mount Erie, 1,273 feet (388 m) tall. You can drive to the top of Mt. Erie and enjoy some spectacular views.

Looking southeast across Burrows Bay with Mt. Erie in the distance

As you walk on from the view, you pass a the Havekost Memorial, marking the gravesite of Anacortes pioneer Tonjes Havekost, who donated land for Washington Park.

The Havekost Monument with Mt. Erie in the background