A Long Month

This has been a long month. It started off with two weeks in India. Productive from a work perspective, but tiring nonetheless. We did have a nice side trip the first weekend in Mumbai, a trip to Elphanta Caves. The caves are on an island on the far side of the bay to the east of downtown Mumbai.

The caves are impressive, with many excellent carvings. This is of the Trimurti is quite famous.

Elephanta Caves Trimurti

Elephanta Caves Trimurti

On top of the island there are two cannon left behind by the Portuguese. Clearly they would command the entire harbor entrance.

Elephanta Cannon

Elephanta Cannon

The second weekend was spent in Bangalore. I was a bit tired at this point, so just had a short trip to the Art of Living Center south of the city. Sorry, no pictures.

We finally made it out to Lake Riverside this weekend, having been away for 5 weeks. This meant a lot of maintenance work:

  • Check the irrigation (yes, time to turn that on)
  • Fix animal chewed irrigation pipes
  • Push back many, many gopher infestations
  • Get the mower started (recharge battery, fill tires with air, etc.) and mow both the lawn and the area around the house
  • Use Roundup to kill the plants growing in the driveway
  • Fix the solenoid on the lawn sprinkler valve
  • Use the trimmer to neaten up the yard
  • Go after more gophers

There was more, but I am sure I have bored you already. We need some longer term time out there so I can catch up on astronomy and not just spend the whole time on maintenance. But it was a beautiful weekend.