More Leaks

I should have written about this two weeks ago.

When we finally got out to Aguanga after the last pipe failure, everything seemed fine. The new outside pipe was nicely insulated, the pump came on with no problem, everything OK. NOT. My wife came out of the house yelling to turn off the water because water was coming down through the ceiling in the bathroom. Water was quickly turned off, but the ceiling in the bathroom fell in moments later anyway.

Inspection in the attic revealed an inch-long burst in a 3/4 inch pipe that feeds a hose bib outside the house. Thankfully it must have burst after the outside pipe broke, and so did only leaked for the brief period we had the water on.

I headed to Anza to buy pipe clamps, and called the plumber. On the return from Anza (having purchased all three sizes of pipe clamps available) I noticed a truck ahead of me stopped at the side of the road within our community. I thought that it looked like plumber, and as I had not had a return call yet, I pulled up next to the truck to see if he could help. It was our plumber, who was dialing my number at that very moment.

Within the half hour the pipe was clamped, we had moved most of the damp insulation out, and were enjoying a cold beer. There is plywood over the whole in the bathroom ceiling, the heat is set at 50° so things won’t freeze, and we await final repairs. I sure hope this is the end of frozen pipes for a while.