Saturn Images

I finally had the combination of clear skies and not being out of town for work. No matter that the moon was almost full. I have put my C-11 back on the CGE and am planning to do some f10 imaging (in the spirit of Yoda, I am not saying that I will “try” f10 imaging).

However, with Saturn transiting around 9pm this was a good opportunity to try some planetary imaging.

The seeing was not great. I tried a couple sets of shots at f20 and f30 using a Philips ToUCam Pro. At f30, I had to have the gain very high so the image was grainy. I also think that the seeing was not good enough for F30.

Both images are around 200 frames of 1700 or so frames taked with the webcam and stacked with Registax. For both images, I created a 50-frame stack and re-optimized with that enhanced stack (this is a standard Registax feature). I stacked to about 90-92% quality. I tried going for higher quality percentage, but at 95% I only had 50 frames and the end image was too grainy.

Direct links are: f30 image and f20 image

Comments welcomed!