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Craters Copernicus and Kepler618 viewsCraters Copernicus and Kepler, Mare Imbrium and Oceanus Procellarum, taken at near to a full Moon. This is a mosaic of 8 separate images, stacked in Registax, the mosaic was built in Photoshop, the image was processed in PixInsight, and finished in Photoshop.Apr 14, 2008
NGC 3628 -- Spiral Galaxy in Leo466 viewsNGC 3628, a spiral galaxy in the constellation of Leo, and one of the Leo Triplet galaxies. This image is my first CCD image from Lake Riverside. The conditions -- high wind that came up after midnight -- limited the total exposure time. Processed in Maxim DL, CCD Stack, PixInsight, and Photoshop.Apr 13, 2008
Saturn553 viewsSaturn, first light on the C-11 from Lake Riverside. Processed in Registax and PixInsight.Apr 05, 2008
Sunspot 987372 viewsSunspot 987 of cycle 23. Taken just as clouds were coming in, with winds occasionally jostling the scope. Processed in Registax and PixInsight. The primary contrast adjustment/sharpening was with wavelets, and I used gaussian wavelets and a linear progression.Mar 29, 2008
Mare Nectaris462 viewsMare Nectaris, taken a few days after the new Moon. Fracastorius crater is the large crater at the bottom of the mare, crater Rosse is the small crater in the mare. This is a mosaic of two shots, combined in Photoshop and processed in PixInsight. The image was upsampled by 2x at the start of processing. Selection of the resampling algorithm was critical -- bilinear and even bi-cubic bi-spline added noise, cubic bi-spline had its problems but was the best overall.Mar 15, 2008
Crater Gassendi390 viewsCrater Gassendi, taken a few days after the first quarter Moon. Aligned and stacked in Registax, two versions of sharpening using deconvolution and wavelets in PixInsight. The two versions were combined in Photoshop.Mar 13, 2008
Copernicus 2/17/08 V1418 viewsCopernicus Crater on the Moon, a four-picture mosaic built in Photoshop, with all other processing in PixInsight. This is the first of two versions of the image. The contrast was stretched and enhanced aggressively in this versionFeb 23, 2008
Copernicus 2/17/08 V2359 viewsCopernicus Crater on the Moon, a four-picture mosaic built in Photoshop, with all other processing in PixInsight. This is the second of two versions of the image, with a bit softer handling of contrast.Feb 23, 2008
Mars, December 31, 2007489 viewsMars on New Year's Eve 2007. Stacked and sharpened in Registax using gaussian wavelets, sharpened and touched up in PixInsight, final work in Photoshop. This was the first shot of the night and the seeing deteriorated from there. Jan 06, 2008
Orion Amidst the Clouds329 viewsThe constellation Orion by Moon-illuminated cloudsDec 29, 2007
Perseid Meteor 2007450 viewsA Perseid Meteor is visible as a faint trail in the upper right quadrant of the photo. The fuzzy spot near the center is M 31, the Andromeda Galaxy, and Cassiopeia is visible on the left side of the photo. Taken with Kodak ASA 400 color negative film, scanned at high definition by Samy's Camera, processed in PixInsight.Aug 26, 2007
Star Trail Over Anza426 viewsStar trails over Anza, California, taken during the Perseid Meteor Shower, August 12th, 2007. Taken with Kodak Porta ASA 400 color negative film, high definition scan by Samy's Camera, adjustments in PixInsight.Aug 26, 2007
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