St. Monica Elementary, my daughter’s elementary school, recently sponsored a wine tasting and silent auction fund raiser. Based on the article on the web site, it was quite successful.
We donated a night at Observatorio de la Ballona.
We did not attend. I had just returned from a two week trip to the Far East, arriving from Singapore at 4pm with the event starting at 5:30pm. Note that the flight from Singapore is 16 hours with a 16 hour time difference. Essentially, I arrived at the same time and day I left. Ah, free time. But I digress.
The night at the observatory was bid upon and won by someone. I was so happy to find out that someone was enough interested in astronomy to bid on our offer. Many thanks to them. Now the pressure is on, I need to put on an excellent night of observing and learning. It will be a lot of fun.
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