After three months off I am back with more Alaska photos. This month is the introduction the whales of Glacier Bay. An earlier post covered Johns Hopkins glacier. Since the photos were not ordered by time, I do not really know if this is before or after the visit to Johns Hopkins. Click on any image to see a full-sized version.

We were in Alaska in late June and whales were everywhere.

There are humpbacks but also orcas.

Breaching whales are very impressive. Here is a two-shot sequence of a breaching humpback. My next post will have many breaching whales for your enjoyment.

There was other wildlife than just whales. There were sea otters, but I wasn’t able to get too many good shots of them as I didn’t have a long focal length lens.

Another humpback breach.

Finally, a pair of orcas race through the water as we race to October.

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