Lots of Snow in Lake Riverside

In the four and a half years since we got the house in Lake Riverside Estates, we have always wanted to be up for a real snow. We’ve had flurries before (back in December 2006 for example), but never a real snow. We know it happens because the prior owners spoke of some good snow storms and I’ve seen snow several times on the Anza Valley Web Cam.

Well, we finally got what we were waiting for. Not only a good snow, but on the Saturday night of a long weekend. Thank you Lord!

I feel a little bit silly making a big deal out of this, particularly since I grew up in Marquette, Michigan which is no stranger to snow. But it is a special treat for us in Southern California. After all, we are only at 3,400 feet above sea level. Hardly high in the mountains.

The fun started when my older daughter came into the room and said “It’s snowing! It’s Snowing!” We quickly went outside into a very nice heavy snow shower. We felt that the cats had to enjoy it, so Sam came out with my daughter.

At this point, we didn’t know how long it would keep coming down. But it did keep coming. So with dinner in the oven, we suited up to enjoy the snow. Both girls enjoy the falling snow.

The younger girl (three and a half years old) is well bundled up for the cold.

This was a heavy snow with big flakes. It seemed to me to be like a lake effect snow, but clearly no lake was involved here. The big flakes were coming down and our back yard pine tree was being weighed down by the snow. Lots of snow falling.

The next day dawned crisp and snow covered.

The observatory got through the night just fine.

Of course we had to go sledding. We made snowmen and snow angels as well.

Here is a panorama, looking east toward Anza. You can see the girls working on a snowman in the foreground. Note that they are really the only spot of color in the picture.

Altogether a lot of fun. About half of the snow melted that day, with the grass and roofs staying snow-covered until today.