Angry Cats

A couple of weeks ago, we had the opportunity to visit a member’s preview of the Mummies: New Secrets from the Tombs exhibit at the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum. It is a remarkable exhibit with very good natural science about mummies from both Egypt and South America. It was developed by the Field Museum in Chicago. Did you know people mummified their dead in South America? I didn’t either but now I do.

In the South American part of the exhibit they had some very interesting pottery that was buried with the dead. It is in the motif of angry cats. Cats are a motif in art of the Nazca plains, source of the mummies and the pottery.

This is my favorite pot. I like the handle and the great expression on the cat.

One Angry Cat

One Angry Cat

This cat has some impressive teeth.

What Teeth!

What Teeth!

Here is the collection.

Angry Cat Pots

Angry Cat Pots

There were no toys or trinkets in the shop based on this pottery. I think that is a mistake on the part of the museum.