Another Step — Pier in Place

Interior fitting of the observatory has finally begun. I’ve got the pier in place with the mount adapter attached. I’ve also cut the rope lights for the walls, and I will be mounting them about waist high. Here is a picture looking toward the warm room.


The Astro-Physics mount adapter fit perfectly onto the Sky Shed pier top. I had a little trouble setting up the rope lights, but it turned out it was just user error. The rope lights and the side lights are both on dimmers, and the rope lights work fine on the dimmer switch. There are a couple of things we need to do to get the weather stripping correct and the floor needs a good vacuum before I put the flooring in (I am using interlocking foam mats). You can see the power socket and the 2″ conduit that leads to the warm room at the base of the pier.

Temperatures inside were nicely below ambient until things started cooling off outside, so I am hopeful it will adapt quickly with the roof open. We had lows in the 40s and highs in the 90s.

I’d have moved the mount in but I discovered several holes in the drip line for the trees, and one underground in the yard. This bit of mischief added just enough maintenance so that I didn’t have time to move the mount and scope in, and I do want the final touches on the roof in place.

I am looking forward to the long weekend and several days dedicated time to get things set up.