I like a Rainy Day

Today was a rainy day in Los Angeles. A fairly rare event for April. We are about to have our 8-10 month lack of rain (not a drought, because it is normal), so it every day of rain is nice.

In fact, I think that no Southern California resident should ever complain about rain. We really don’t get that much. And any day of rain provides the wonderful background noise, clean air, rushing storm drains (remember this is LA — no streams), and the onrush of green. With this late season rain, we can expect great desert wild flowers, green hillsides, and a fire season that doesn’t bother us until Fall.

I have always loved inclement weather. Thunder storms watched on the porch in Washington, DC. Hot and muggy, with sudden cool blasts of wind and big booms of thunder. The UP, with the roar of the lake, cold, cold, cold days, snow flocking the forest, and big thunderstorms.

LA weather is tame.

So I love each weather event. The best thing to read is the forecast discussion. This is a write-up prepared by all National Weather Service offices explaining how they developed the forecast. You could be the local forecaster using this content alone. Reading how they develop the forecast with input from computer models, satellite, and radar makes one understand the upcoming weather much better. And I truly enjoy reading the results of their analysis.

What is probably the last major storm over our area this season is passing overhead. I hear the rain in the background. Murphy’s law says we’ll have another minor rain this weekend, just enough to postpone the star party.